Our new apprentices Linus Haase and Joel Georgi (center from right to left) were warmly welcomed with a gift by Technical Manager Alexander Stöber (left) and Training Manager Daniel Jähnichen (right). Linus will complete his training as a cutting machine operator in 3.5 years and Joel will complete his training as a plastics and rubber technologist in 3 years.
Unsere neuen Auszubildenden Linus Haase und Joel Georgi (Mitte v.r.n.l.) Geschenk für unsere neuen Azubi 2024 (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
The WaterVent offers innovators, investors and start-ups a platform for networking.
Our Head of Research and Development, Dr. Björn Schulz (pictured right), took the opportunity to introduce the participants to the Real Laboratory Drinking Water Distribution Network 2050, which is to be built here at the site.
30. WaterVent in Berlin am 25.10.2024 (Image: WaterVent)
On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, the Brandenburg Water Management Innovation Cluster held a future congress in Finsterwalde (Elbe-Elster district). Since it was founded in 2022, the innovation cluster based in the south of Brandenburg has developed into an industry network for the water industry with a Europe-wide focus. The aim of the congress was to bring together the water industry, science and business and to support efficient and data-secure communication and collaboration. Over 70 representatives of companies and institutions from all over Germany accepted the invitation. Read more here!
Lisa Mammitzsch and Thomas Ebert from Schönborner Armaturen initiated and organized the Future Congress at the Kulturweberei Finsterwalde – here they can be seen with the famous Finsterwalde singers, who opened the event with a version of the singers’ song created especially for the event. (Bild: Tudyka.PR)
Zertifikat Stifterverband für FuE-Erhebung in der Wirtschaft
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Stifterverband’s science statistics collect data on the research and development activities of companies in Germany.
The statistics on research and development are part of the official reporting of the Federal Government, the EU and the OECD. The results form a central decision-making basis for the orientation of research and funding policy.
The latest survey revealed that the private sector, the state and universities have significantly increased their expenditure on research and development (R&D). Companies spent around 82 billion euros on their own R&D in 2022. This was the first time they exceeded €80 billion and the first time they exceeded the pre-coronavirus level of 2019.
Due to the simultaneous high increase in gross domestic product and in view of high inflation, the R&D ratio nevertheless remains at the previous year’s level of 3.13% according to preliminary calculations.
(Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
On July 16, 2024, the members of BVMW – Der Mittelstand /Brandenburg Süd-Ost met at Schönborner Armaturen GmbH. Managing Partner Thomas Ebert explained the plans to establish the Water Industry Innovation Cluster. The cluster will bring together members from the three groups:
Water management
to form innovation, development and research networks in order to:
define innovation and R&D topics
apply for funding for project implementation.
The development and establishment of the drinking water distribution network 2050 real laboratory is a first major project.
Members of BVMW Brandenburg Süd-Ost have Thomas Ebert explain how our products are manufactured. (Picture Schönborner Armaturen)
Passing exams is always a reason to celebrate, especially when you end up with a vocational qualification. We are proud of Dominik Joite and Amer Kassab, our young trainees.
Dominik Joite completed a 3.5-year apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic and Amer Kassab a 3-year apprenticeship as a process mechanic for plastics and rubber technology.
Lisa Mammitzsch, the division manager, and Daniel Jähnichen, our training manager, offered their congratulations and a small gift.
He is the coordinator and spokesman for the largest political group in the European Parliament, the European People’s Party (EPP), and is a member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee. Dr. Christian Ehler took the time to get to know our company better during his visit to the district. We talked about the economic framework conditions, the shortage of skilled workers and land and infrastructure policy. The Brandenburger Innovationscluster WasserWirtschaft GmbH & Co KG also introduced itself.
A tour of our own production facilities was of course a must at the end.
Bild: Thomas Ebert (li.) und Dr. Christian Ehler (re.)
We were out and about in Torgau on 06.06.2024 in beautiful weather. The reason for this: Not everyone had the opportunity to come to IFAT in Munich. Therefore, there was a small in-house exhibition for all customers of Muffenrohr Tiefbauhandel GmbH Torgau, especially for the employees of the water associations. We would like to thank the Muffenrohr team for their extraordinary hospitality.
Visitors to the Schönborner Armaturen GmbH stand learned about the innovations.
The Smart EBG Padlock (SES) – The SES is a security system that gives access only to authorized persons to operate the valve.
Device for measuring the degree of valve closure (MSGA) – The MSGA is used to view the closure’s degree of a valve in the drinking water pipe network.
Telescopic operating key with reversible coupling sleeve – This operating key can be used for built-in fittings in the house connection area and also in the network fittings area.