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The Future Congress of the Water Industry Innovation Cluster with the kind support of
of Sparkasse Elbe-Elster, Mineralquellen Bad Liebenwerda GmbH and Schönborner Armaturen GmbH

On Tuesday, 24 September 2024, the innovation cluster WasserWirtschaft organized a Future Congress at the Kulturweberei Finsterwalde. The aim of the congress was to bring together the water industry, science and business and to support efficient and data-secure communication and collaboration. Over 70 representatives of companies and institutions from all over Germany accepted the invitation.

Thomas Ebert, Schönborner Armaturen GmbH eröffnet den ZukunftsKongress (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
Christian Jaschinski, Landrat des Elbe-Elster Kreises begrüßte alle Gäste (Bild: Tudyka.PR)
Erik Händeler, Wirtschaftsjournalist und Zukunftsforscher bei seinem 3D-Vortrag (Bild: Tudyka.PR)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Bretschneider, Fraunhofer IOSB-AST zu Gaia-X (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
Thomas Ebert, Schönborner Armaturen GmbH im Gespräch mit Teilnehmern (Bild: Tudyka.PR)
Florian Kronlachner, Kronlachner Leckortungs GmbH zur Leckortung per Satellit (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
René Dünkler, Fraunhofer-IIS bei seinem Vortrag - Kommunikationswege der Zukunft (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
Christoph Maschek, Wasserverband Lausitz zur Wasserversorgung der Zukunft (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
Dr. Andreas Korth, DVGW Technologiezentrum Wasser über Forschungsprojekte des TZW (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)
Dr. rer. nat. Jackie Ma, Fraunhofer HHI über das Projekt DAKI-Frühwarnsystem (Bild: Schönborner Armaturen)

syntral – Synergetischer Transferraum Lausitz – Die T!Raum-Initiative

Lusatia is facing significant challenges: With the planned phase-out of lignite, it is facing structural change, while the exodus of many young people is exacerbating the shortage of skilled workers.

The T!Raum-Initiative syntral aims to close this gap between the conurbations and rural areas.


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In addition to the project coordinator, the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden and 17 other regional partners have joined forces to develop and install transfer approaches for ideas, knowledge and technologies. The project partners of this BMBF-funded programme want to establish a nationally visible industrial cluster in resource-efficient lightweight system construction in Lusatia, transfer existing research results at eye level to SMEs, make the training of specialists and junior staff more attractive through new digitalized, decentralized offers and visualize and network existing cluster structures and networks nationwide.

The video shows how important cooperation is.

Flexible systems for many mounting stations

Since Arctic temperatures prevail in parts of Scandinavia, water pipes with large pipe cover are laid. For this purpose, installation sets in special lengths are used. However, they cause high costs during storage and transport.

For us, the task arose: How can we optimize both transport and storage for our customer? As the video shows, the addition of extensions to our standard installation set is an economical replacement for such special length products.


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