What was new at the Schönborner Armaturen GmbH stand at the Oldenburg Pipeline Forum on 6 and 7 February 2025?

A 90° angular gearbox with up to 1,000 Nm torque transmission to shift the actuation (EBG) of fittings from the road area to the pavement. The advantages are obvious: no road cap in the road area means no settlement on the road, noise pollution is reduced and there is no need to repair the roadway by setting the road cap.

Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum am 06. und 07. February 2025 in Oldenburg (Image: Schönborner Armaturen GmbH)

A new phase in professional life begins

After passing the exam, Pascal Braun started working as a cutting machine operator in our CNC department on 01.02.2025. Dimo Stahlberg (left) Team Leader CNC Department and Daniel Jähnichen (right) Training managers, brought the congratulations of the management and a small gift.

We wish Pascal all the best and much success in his professional career.

Pascal Braun successfully completes his apprenticeship as a cutting machine operator (Image: Schönborner Armaturen GmbH)


Career fair Doberlug-Kirchhain on 25.01.2025

For the 2nd time, Schönborner Armaturen GmbH successfully presented itself at the career fair organized by the students of the Protestant Gymnasium Doberlug-Kirchhain . Thank you very much for the great organization and the opportunity to present our apprenticeships to the students in more detail.

If you couldn’t stop by, you can  find out about the training opportunities at SCHOENBORNER here.

Karriere Messe Doberlug-Kirchhain am 25.01.2025

Gewinner des BVMW Weihnachtskalenders

Detlev Wurzler, Chairman of the Board of the Lusatian Lakeland Brandenburg Association, is the lucky winner of the 23rd door of the BVMW Christmas calendar.

Here with Thomas Ebert, Managing Partner at the handover of the prizes.

Congratulations to the winner!

Thomas Ebert and Detlev Wurzler (Image: Schönborner Armaturen GmbH)