Tag: Reallabor


Presentation of the 2050 real laboratory drinking water distribution network at WaterVent in Berlin on 25.10.2024

The WaterVent offers innovators, investors and start-ups a platform for networking.

Our Head of Research and Development, Dr. Björn Schulz (pictured right), took the opportunity to introduce the participants to the Real Laboratory Drinking Water Distribution Network 2050, which is to be built here at the site.

30. WaterVent in Berlin am 25.10.2024 (Image: WaterVent)

Network meeting of BVMW e.V. Brandenburg Süd-Ost

On July 16, 2024, the members of BVMW – Der Mittelstand /Brandenburg Süd-Ost met at Schönborner Armaturen GmbH. Managing Partner Thomas Ebert explained the plans to establish the Water Industry Innovation Cluster. The cluster will bring together members from the three groups:

  • Water management
  • science
  • Economy

to form innovation, development and research networks in order to:

  • define innovation and R&D topics
  • apply for funding for project implementation.

The development and establishment of the drinking water distribution network 2050 real laboratory is a first major project.

Members of BVMW Brandenburg Süd-Ost have Thomas Ebert explain how our products are manufactured.
(Picture Schönborner Armaturen)